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B. 11+ Algebra Masterclass

This masterclass is designed to 'Make Algebra easy' for pupils who attend. Using a structured approach, your child will learn how to tackle algebra problems which involve the use of letters, numbers and symbols.  Typical 11+ questions will be posed and practised to ensure he/she masters the techniques taught.  By the end of the masterclass, your child will be able to identify problems which can be solved using algebra, and solve them successfully. A valuable skill for the 11+ entrance exams.
11plus Ltd ®
11plusMasterclass.com 272 London Road, Wallington, SM6 7DJ Tel: 0208 669 2197 

A. 11+ Fractions Masterclass

This masterclass is designed to make working with fractions easier by taking your child step-by-step through various fraction problems and reminding him/her of the rules to required to arrive at the correct answer. Fractions will almost certainly appear in the 11+ exams, so this is one area every child must master. By the end of the masterclass, your child will be able to perform calculations involving fractions with ease!

C. 11+ Mental Maths Masterclass

This masterclass is packed with numerous tips and tricks to quicken your child's mental maths skills. Easy ways to multiply, divide, subtract and add will be taught. By the end of the masterclass, your child will be equipped with the necessary skills required to tackle mental maths questions effectively, in order to gain top marks.

D. 11+ Word Problems Masterclass

This master class will teach your child how to answer word problems quickly with ease, by translating the words into a mathematical formula, expression or equation. Many pupils struggle with Word problems, however, they are set to test the student’s analytical and numerical skills. By the end of the master class your child will be equipped with the necessary skills needed to speedily recognise hidden clues built into word problem questions​.

E. 11+ Numerical Reasoning Masterclass

Numerical reasoning tests are set to measure how numerate your child is. This masterclass will teach pupils how to tackle a wide range of numerical reasoning questions. These questions are not learned mathematical questions but ones which often involve logical thinking, addition, multiplication, percentages, fractions and currency conversions. By the end of the masterclass, your child will be able to identify these question types and attempt them successfully.